Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Available Now: BLADE OF DISHONOR by Thomas Pluck
Just over a year ago I ran an interview with New Jersey writer Thomas Pluck. In the introductory comments to the Q&A, I advised everyone to keep an eye out for this guy's byline because I knew there was nothing but bigger and better things coming from him. Well now, in addition to his impressive work in the short story field, he has just released his first novel – BLADE OF DISHONOR – and if you didn't take heed to my earlier urgings, you sure ought to do so now.
Trust me on this.
You'll only be sorry if you don't gobble it up the first chance you get.

This first novel by acclaimed short story writer Pluck, will doubtlessly and deservedly receive praise for its grit, relentless pace, and thrilling action. Beyond that, however, there is also its impressive depth of characterization, its ambitiously complex plot (complete with careful attention to historical accuracy), and the first-hand knowledge so evident in its fight sequences --- all told in a distinct style that seems lean and stripped-down yet richly detailed where it needs to be.
This is what big-scale blockbuster movies aim for but so seldom achieve … Over-the-top action grounded by real people you truly care about and want to root for.
Terrific stuff.
Do Not miss this one!

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