title of this fine Western drama is deceiving and (for me, at least)
somewhat off-putting. Turns out it's not about a hangman at all but
rather a relentless U.S. Marshal named Mac Bovard (played by Robert
Taylor) who has a reputation for bringing in the worst owlhoots in
the territory, most of whom end up on the gallows. Hence it is he
who becomes known as “the hangman”.
the time of this tale, Bovard has been wearing a badge of one kind or
another for 20 years and has grown hard-edged and cynical. As the
story opens, Bovard is delivering the third of four men wanted for
bank robbery and the killing of another marshal who was previously on
the case. Two of the robbers have already been hanged and the
just-delivered varmint is expected to have his turn in short order.
It's up to Bovard to bring in the fourth and final man. Trouble is,
though his name is known to be John Butterfield, Bovard doesn't know
what he looks like. If he can't find anybody else who does, Bovard's
last chance to get a positive ID on Butterfield may be to bring him
in front of the other remaining gang member before the latter hangs.
the clock ticking, Bovard chases leads from Fort Kenton to a distant
town where he finds a very likely suspect --- a man calling himself
John Bishop who everybody in town, including the marshal, likes and
respects and refuses to believe could be a former outlaw and killer.
As a last resort, Bovard pays money to a down-on-her-luck widow and
former girlfriend of Butterfield's (played by Tina Louise) to come to
the town and confirm that Bishop/Butterfield are the same person.
Things don't work out that easily, of course; there are a number of
twists, confrontations, a few touches of humor, and even some romance
before Bovard closes the case.
is a highly entertaining little gem that I greatly enjoyed watching.
It's a slightly offbeat Western yet at the same time fulfills all the
requirements for a satisfying oater. The opening scenes could almost
qualify as a crime drama and, since it's filmed in black and white
and the dialogue is crisp and snappy, it even has some noirish
touches. As the story unfolds and the backdrop broadens, it becomes
steadily more “Western-y”.

Taylor turns in a great veteran performance, the pitch-perfect
delivery of brusque, no-nonsense dialogue and intensity that fits his
character dead-on; Fess Parker, as the amiable, chain-smoking town
marshal (trying to break his Davy Crockett mold during this period
when he was at odds with Disney) also comes across well; but the real
surprise is Tina Louise as the alternately sultry/vulnerable former
girlfriend who is torn between loyalty and the need for money to
start a better life. The combination of acting chops and a more
voluptuous figure (almost Sophia Loren-ish) completely blows away her
typecast image of slinky Ginger from Gilligan's Island that
would eventually and unfortunately stall her later career.
the very capable veteran hands of screenwriter Dudley Nichols and
director Michael Curtiz, this is an extremely entertaining film. I
DVR-ed and watched it for the first time about a week ago and then,
when I was getting ready to write this article, I decided to skim
through some parts again to refresh my memory --- but instead of
skimming, I found myself enjoying it so much that I watched the whole
thing all over again.
don't know if it's available on DVD. If not, watch for it on cable
--- either TCM or the Western channel. It's definitely worth
catching. You won't be sorry.