Thursday, April 24, 2014

Noteworthy Reads: KLAW by W.L. Fieldhouse

When James Reasoner contacted me and asked if I'd be interested in reading a galley of KLAW and possibly providing a promotion blurb, I vaguely recalled the title from many years ago and thought I may even have had a copy of it at one time. But I couldn't actually remember ever reading it. At any rate, I told him to go ahead and send me a copy and I'd find time to have a look.
Upon receiving said copy, I began reading and two things became quickly clear: One, I knew I had *not* read it before; and Two, boy was I ever glad James had made one available to me now! This is one tough, terrific Western --- well-written and gripping from start to finish.

Following is what I had to say in a recently-posted Amazon review, along with the blurb I submitted to James and Livia.

Review: This first title in a series by W.L. Fieldhouse delivers a payload of gritty, hardboiled Western action! I was tempted to name a couple other tough Western authors from the great Gold Medal pbo days that Fieldhouse reminds me of, but his writing has some distinctions strictly to his own style that would make such comparisons inadequate either way. Suffice to say that KLAW is a well-written, tough, satisfying yarn of Western vengeance. What you might even call a "classic" of sorts, first published two decades ago and now re-released by Rough Edges Press. And the added good news is that there are two more titles in the series that will be coming soon.
Don't miss any of them!

Blurb: “Western fiction has seen plenty of avenging protagonists over the years, hardened by savagery and betrayal, hell-bent on a course to settle the score with human scum undeserving of taking another breath. But few have ever been more embittered or relentless than Klaw … Replacing tortured flesh and bone with cold steel and determination, he turns the bloody remains of a body left for dead into a killing machine who can't be stopped … Bill Fieldhouse has created a memorable, uncompromising character with the grit, savvy, and willingness to go up against the toughest odds. Told in a no-frills, unflinching style, KLAW is an exciting Western adventure that will leave you clamoring for more.”

As evidence of how widely appealing KLAW is, it has also gained praise from the likes of Steve Mertz and Peter Brandvold. You'll want to be sure and check this one out, I promise you won't be disappointed. 

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