for myself, I guess a more accurate title for this piece might have
been: Re-appreciating Thomas B. Dewey's “Mac”—inasmuch
as I discovered this fine book series many moons ago. For those
unfamiliar, Mac is a Chicago-based private eye who appeared in
sixteen books written by Mr. Dewey from 1947 to 1970.
of the titles have been re-issued in eBook format by Wildside Press,
which is where I recently “re-discovered” them and immediately
downloaded and re-read about a half dozen of the later titles. They
held up just fine. In fact, from a more mature perspective (more
mature in years, at least, if not in all ways), I may have enjoyed
them even more.
first discovered Mac and Mr. Dewey in the middle Sixties, you see,
having had my appetite whetted for all things hardboiled by Spillane/
Hammer and and most everything of that sort that came both before and
after. The thing that really caught my attention about Mac, though,
was that he operated out of Chicago. Given my Illinois roots, I found
this a refreshing change from so much of what I was reading (both
tough-guy PIs and the spy thrillers that were beginning to take root)
being set on either the east or west coast, maybe Miami (via the
enormously popular Mike Shayne).
here was Mac, doing his PI thing practically in my back yard. Not
only that, but many of his cases took him out of the city and to
smaller towns and more rural settings throughout the state. (All of
this would would prove to be more influential than I realized at the
time when, about twenty years later, I created my own PI character,
Joe Hannibal, and made his base of operations Rockford, the state's
second largest city up to the north. Mac, some of the works of Dan J.
Marlowe that were set in the Midwest, and Max Allan Collins'
Iowa-based Quarry books, all combined to convince me that it was
perfectly fine to set my own series in an area that wasn't on either
of the coasts but was familiar to me and one I could perhaps capture
with some added accuracy.)
back to Mac, while I enjoyed all of the books back when I first read
them, I remember finding them a bit slow-paced at the time. I was
younger then and more into the rougher style of the Mike Hammer
types, with plenty of wisecracks, hot dames, fisticuffs, and gunplay.
You don't get a lot of that with Dewey and Mac. Mac owns a gun and
carries it when a case turns dangerous enough, and he can also duke
it out pretty good when necessary. But he's not quick to resort to
either if it can be avoided. He's not big on wisecracks and he works
obligingly with the cops. Donovan, his main police source in the city
and a former mentor from his own days on the force is more father
figure than pal. In DEATH AND TAXES, when Donovan is seriously
wounded and hospitalized through much of the book, Mac's concern for
his old friend is very genuine and touching. And though he plods
steadily on, trying to crack the case that the shooting is part of,
it's not as some wild-eyed gunslinger out for vengeance.

term frequently applied by others who have written about the Mac
series is: compassion. Mac is “the compassionate private eye”,
the precursor, it is often pointed out, to Ross Macdonald's Lew
Archer, who would gain much wider acclaim with that sort of approach
in the decades to follow. (In an interview with Macdonald, when asked
to name some other authors whose work in the same genre that he liked
to read, he mentioned Dewey along with William Campbell Gault.)
deepest empathy is often with his own clients, especially those who
are young and/or most vulnerable. This is very much in evidence in my
three favorite books from the series: The aforementioned DEATH AND
TAXES, where Mac is assisting the estranged daughter of a former
gangster; THE KING KILLERS, in which he works with another PI to help
protect a young woman who is peripherally involved with a dangerous
paramilitary group; and A SAD SONG SINGING, where he is hired by an
innocent yet feisty young woman to help find her lost love, a
wandering minstrel/ songwriter, while at the same time protecting a
suitcase with mysterious contents that the missing lad left in her
is not a word stylist in the sense of, say, Chandler or even
Macdonald. His prose is simple and straightforward, yet perfectly
adequate for the job to be done. And Mac, for the most part, is
merely a conduit to the cases and people he gets involved with. We
never really learn much about him other than that he's a man of
somple tastes who doggedly pursues the jobs he takes on. In DRAW THE
CURTAIN CLOSE, his debut appearance, he describes himself this way:
“I'm just a guy. I go around and get in jams and then try
to figure a way out of them. I work hard. I don't make very much
money and most people insult me one way or another. I'm thirty-eight
years old, a fairly good shot with small arms, slow-thinking but
thorough, and very dirty in a clinch."
sums it up pretty good. The mysteries are solid and well-plotted, the
characters Mac encounters are interesting and well drawn, the writing
is as previusly described. There's some rough stuff along the way, a
smattering of gunplay and coarse language, and some attractive,
well-described women but little in the way of sex. In the final two
books in the series, Mac relocates to Los Angeles but not much really
changes. He remains his same low-key self, establishes a solid new
cop contact via his old Chicago mentor Donovan, even searches around
until he finds a set-up that provides him an office with living
quarters in the back, just as he had in Chi-town. The characters he
encounters are af bit more colorful, the women seem notably hotter
(but still no sex), and there's the hint of a romance between Mac and
a fortune teller neighbor that might have blossomed into more if the
series had continued.

in all, some mighty good hardboiled (but not too) stuff. Worth
checking out. And anyone wanting some strong arguments for the
oft-stated case of crime fiction being one of the most accurate
mirrors held up to our changing culture over the decades, would be
hard pressed to find any better examples than in Mac titles like THE
less an authority than Bill Pronzini once called Mac one of the most
underappreciated of the fictional private eyes. I second that. If you
want to pursue the matter and develop some overdue appreciation, I
recommend you hunt down some the out-of-print paperbacks or check out
the very modestly priced eBook versions avialable from Wildside. I
think you'll be glad you did.